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Positive Book Reviews
Parable of The Pipeline | Wednesday, February 22, 2006 @10:37 PM

Book 1: Parable of The Pipeline
Author: Burke Hedges
Recommended For: Everyone with common sense

Parable of Pipeline

Hi guys, this site is a site for book reviews. I will mostly be reviewing books recommended by BWW. As we all know, the tools play a major part in our business and it is important to be refreshed frequently. The reviews here mainly consist of my own point of view. You may choose to agree or disagree with me. My hope is that the books reviewed will inspire you to read them, even get them for yourself as I am what I am, thanks to the education of the books.

As an opening to this site, I am going to review the first few books that I read. Parable of the pipeline.

I bought this book when my upline says that its a fantastic book. It is.

Just like other Burke Hedges books, this book is filled with simple English language (not difficult to understand) and a powerful message. The main message in this book is that JOB WILL NOT MAKE YOU RICH. If you still dont realise this, wake up man, its all around you..a lot of retired people are coming back to work not because they are bored but because they are bored because of being broke .

Burke also explains (with drawings and diagram all) the concept of residual income.

Imagine we have no tap. What are the two ways to get the water?

1. Bucket Method: By going to and fro to the river, fill up your bucket and walk home. And when you walk home, there WILL be spills. Come on be honest for some of you denying this. So what happens if you are sick? No water? And how long can you actually go on carrying buckets of water? You think you spine can take it? This method is just like your job man! If you still dont get it, think harder.

2. Pipeline Method: This is where the concept of residual income is all explained clearly. Burke said that by buiding a pipe, you only to do the work once and you will have water forever even when you are sick and even when you are gone! This is the business that Burke has been talking about. Its this business and thank goodness I am doing it.

The catch with the second method is that not everyone will do it. This is because while you are building your pipeline, which need time and effort, you will not be paid yet. The trick is to keep your eyes on the PRIZE not the PRICE. Be careful here. And when you complete this, you will receive the income that will continue to come in as long as forever. This is not just about you. This is a legacy for your children man. Now what do you think about this? Really think about it man!

This book is ideal for everybody. Even prospects and new ibos . It will help them understand what this business can really give.

You know what the best part of this book is? Diamonds Rashmir and Smitha signed in mine.

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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