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Positive Book Reviews
The Ant and The Elephant | Friday, December 29, 2006 @3:59 PM

Book 21: The Ant and The Elephant
Author: Vince Poscente
Recommended For: Everyone who want to maximize the power of their subconscious mind

Reviewer: Noi

Parable of Pipeline

This is the Book of The Month for December 2006. I got this book late, only halfway across the month but I completed the book in less than 2 weeks. That is how thin and simple the book is.

The book consists of a story of an ant, named Adir and an elephant named Elgo. This story started when there was a storm and Adir was separated from his colony. All of a sudden, Adir did not know his purpose anymore and was feeling lost. Then one day, Adir heard about this place called Oasis, a place of beauty, hope, happiness and fulfillment. Upon hearing that, Adir cannot stop thinking about getting there and finally one day he decided to set out on a journey to get there. Like any other animal story, there is always an animal that is wise whom all the other animals in the jungle seek advice from. In this case, there is Brio, a wise owl who helped Adir in his journey of getting to the Oasis.

The story is like an analogy to help readers understand the whole scenario between mind, the sub-conscious and the conscious. The ant represents the conscious mind and the elephant represents the sub-conscious mind. As a reader, your curiosity will get the better of you as you will find yourself wanting to read the book as fast as possible to find out what happen. The journey of Adir was full of obstacles and challenges that Adir almost gave up a couple of times. However in every challenge, Brio always had something to teach Adir and it was from all the challenges that Adir learned how to control the big elephant.

Even though this book is entertaining, it never fails to teach the obvious but somehow not so obvious to us when we are placed in the same situation. The language used is simple and easy to understand. My favourite lesson was this:

You dont know what dont know. Open your mind to discover possibilities that might not seem obvious at that time.

Our sub-conscious mind is actually way more powerful than our conscious mind so if you can understand this fact and learn to control your sub conscious mind, you will discover that your potential has no limitations.

A must read for those who want to transform performance and adopt leadership for self.

Does My Head Look Big In This? | Monday, December 25, 2006 @8:10 PM

Book 20: Does My Head Look Big In This?
Author: Randa Abdel-Fattah
Recommended For: Everyone who do not understand about Islam

Reviewer: Noi

Parable of Pipeline

This book created history for me. For the first time in many years, I am actually reading a teenage fiction book even though I am long overdue in that department.

Initially I did not know that this book was categorized under teenage fiction. I first learned about this book when it was being reviewed in Lime magazine. From then on, I have been trying to locate this book but to no avail. I thought it was banned in Singapore.

It was only last week that I saw this book while browsing at Borders. I browse books at bookstores even when I am not looking for books and I am the main reason why authors are so rich. I saw this book, while I was looking at some other childrens books and voila!

This book is about Amal, a 16 year old girl who decided to wear hijab to her secular public school. The whole setting is based in Australia so I could relate to some of the customs and traditions. Her decision creates a ripple effect in her life and one thing leads to another.

The story is light hearted and the language used is simple and easy to understand. Amals journey after her decision to put on the hijab permanently will help non Islamic readers to understand what really goes on in the mind of a hijab wearer. Some of the significant issues that were brought up include misunderstanding Islam the religion and the Arab tradition, emotional effects on Muslims after terrorist attack, the real reason why hijab is imposed, fasting in the month of Ramadhan and a little history of Islam. However, all the significant issues were brought up in a very light hearted way, in a way people can understand why some Muslims do what they do and why some Muslims do not do what they are supposed to do.

The story also evolves the people around Amal like her best friends who are Muslims, her friends and classmates who arent Muslims, her parents, her friends parents, her teachers and some mean classmates categorized as snobbish and judgemental. The book also reveals the insights of being a normal girl, who cares about how she looks and whether the cute boy is interested in her. Her feelings, frustrations and excitement will all be too familiar to girls who went through teenage years.

To me the best and most interesting part of the book was when she rejected this boy who likes her even though she has a major crush on him. She then had to go on to explain to him that as much as she wants this, she has to follow her beliefs that says no physical intimacy before marriage. I find that she handle this situation so well that I could probably learn a thing or two. Reading the book halfway will make you fall in love with Amal, who really, are the same like other girls except that she wears the hijab. I also like the way the author let the story flow and no parts of the book sounded like the author was preaching. Plus point, the author is pretty successful in making the book humorous.

Overall, this book will keep you glued to it. I started reading the book on Monday. I completed the book 1 week later. It is a worthy book to read especially if you have friends who are Muslims that you cant understand.

Diary Of A Working Girl | Thursday, December 21, 2006 @5:52 PM

Book 19: Diary Of A Working Girl
Author: Daniella Brodsky
Recommended For: All Working Girls In Search of Love

Reviewer: Etsu

How Will I Know

This book was bought on impulse. Ok that has been happening quite a lot recently. Before I know it, my whole bookshelf has no more space and I have to look for a bigger house so that I can probably open up a library.

This book is so hilarious! The authors way and style of describing each situation is sometimes filled with so much sarcasm and metaphors that you cant help but burst out laughing. Please make sure you read this book in private and not at some public place where people think you are nuts.

Basically this book is about Lane Silverman, an inspiring writer (like me!) who was given the task to write and article about her experience finding Mr Right. The only catch is, she has to do it in the period of 2 months! The initial chapter sees Lane being put in a very male dominated working environment unlike before (she was working for a fashion magazine so obviously the only men around were gays). Lanes description and her ability to always make fun of herself will make you feel for her. You will find yourself liking Lane more and more as you read the book.

Another significant part of the book is the checklist of things / qualities Lane had wanted for her Mr Right. Again, this list is hilarious with some points including:
- is british
- witty statements are always at the tip of his tongue
- teaches things that she never knew

Overall, this book is a must read for all ladies, especially those ladies who have a list similar to this. What I learnt from the book is that sometimes we are so caught up with making sure every guy that comes our way makes the checklist, we forget that our Mr Right might be someone totally unexpected.

I really love the writers style of writing and cant help but think she is a fantastic writer. Of course, the end will make you go awwwwwwww and thats the best part of reading this book.

The 10 Women You'll Be Before 35 | Monday, December 18, 2006 @5:41 PM

Book 18: The 10 Women You Will Be Before You Are 35
Author: Alison James
Recommended For: All women before 35!

Reviewer: Etsu

10 Women

The title of this book attracted me so much that I bought this book without much consideration. I was just browsing at the bookstore looking for another book and this book, out of nowhere just stop me and force these hands to browse it.

Basically this book reveals the 10 stages of womanhood that you will go through before you are 35. Isnt it great if there is a manual of life that we can follow so we will not go wrong? Well, this book is not that, but at least it helps us to be aware of what we are going to go through. This book is not 100% right of course because I think the author is an American and some points just do not relate to local context.

Apparently there are 10 stages that a woman will go through and those are:
1. New Graduate
2. Dollarless Diva
3. Worker Bee
4. Party Girl
5. Body Conscious Babe
6. Chameleon
7. Crisis Chick
8. Ms Independence
9. Wirl (half woman half girl)
10. True You

Personally I could relate to all of the stages except maybe Party Girl because I was never a party person. Every chapter includes a clear description of the different stages and also included some guide. Plus, there are also some real life views from real people.

I went through the book and caught myself smiling and agreeing to whatever the author was writing. What I really love about the book is that it has flowers at the side of every page of the book! Girls love that!

This book definitely comes across as one of the better books for guide being a girl, then a woman. The best part of the book is definitely the last chapter about finding the true you. After reading it, I realize that I already went through all the stages and I am only 26. Hmm..does this mean I am a more advanced?

Reviewed By Etsu

Read And Grow Rich | Wednesday, December 13, 2006 @10:52 PM

Book 17: Read And Grow Rich
Author: Burke Hedges
Recommended For: All who love reading and all who hate reading

Reviewer: Noi

Parable of Pipeline

Actually this book is not in the Britt list but since Burke Hedges is one of my favorite authors, and most of his book ARE on the Britt list, I decided to purchase this book anyway.

Read and Grow Rich first attracted me when I first saw the many quotes on reading at the back of the book. Burke Hedges was a man who was earning $5.50 and hour making boats for a living. His life was transformed when someone gave him a book to read. At first he was reluctant to do so, but when he did, he felt like all his dreams are still possible to achieve and that the first book that he read after so many years was the like the key that unlock is his enclosed mind.

The best thing about reading this book is that it allows you to look back and reflect on the books you have been reading since young and how it all affects the way you think now. Believe it or not, what we read influence our actions and behaviour in a big way than you might think.

Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which is exists, to make his life full, significant, and interesting.- Aldous Huxley

For myself, I chose to teach dyslexic kids because I believe that reading exposes you to another world, a world of information, imagination, creativity, thats why not being able to read, or having difficulties reading is a disaster and I choose to help these individuals unleash their talents in another way apart from reading. It is not easy and it is definitely not the same, but it is a challenge that can be overcome.

Another valuable information that is useful in this book is the revelation on what to read. In this Information Age, we are exposed to so much information that we might find difficulty identifying which are true and which are false.

Above all, I recommend this book to everyone who love reading and hate reading as Burke Hedges has successfully reinforce how the powerful power of reading can bring your to a whole new level of success.

Conversations With The Fat Girl | Sunday, December 10, 2006 @1:24 PM

Book 16: Conversations With The Fat Girl
Author: Liza Palmer
Recommended For: All Girls Who Think They Are Beautiful and All Girls Who Think They Are Not

Reviewer: Etsu

How Will I Know

The cover and title of this book attracts me immediately when I set my eyes on it! Lets face it. I am no beauty queen and I can certainly relate to this book! Although the prints are small and it hurts my eyes, the engaging story keeps me addicted to the book.

What I like most about the book is how Liza, the talented author started off each chapter with a glimpse of the past. This story is about Maggie, the fat girl since childhood. Apart from the fantasy of being slim and beautiful, Maggie generally has concerns like any other girl. For example she worry about not finding a partner, job isues, rental, bills, any normal thing that every girl goes through.

Who helped her survive through childhood was her best friend, Olivia, who was also fat back then. However, this story revolves around the fact that Olivia is now slim thanks to liposuction. Olivia changes as a person and this affected how Maggie view Olivia as her best friend.

I also liked the fact the love connection between Maggie and Domenic was not that obvious from the start. In fact, I thought her love for Domenic was the most intense storyline in the book because I was not sure if Domenic was going to love her back since she was fat. Talking about the character Domenic, I think any girl reading about this, will fall in love with him too!

What I truly learned from the book is that physical outlook is not as important as your inner beauty. Beauty is defined differently by different people and too much emphasis on it will eventually lead you to your ugly side.

Liza Palmer did well in making readings empathize with Maggie and at the same time also motivate us to get on that weight loss programme, not to be beautiful, but to be healthy.

After all, we are already beautiful.

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

This site was created by Etsu and Noi,self proclaimed bookworms. We have created this site to share what we have learn from books. We only review positive books that we feel can help the individual reading it. Each book that we review consist of our own opinions. We do not represent any book, author or publishing companies. Feel free to leave your comments or recommended any great links of books site or authors site.

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The Ant and The Elephant
Does My Head Look Big In This?
Diary Of A Working Girl
The 10 Women You'll Be Before 35
Read And Grow Rich
Conversations With The Fat Girl
A Total Waste of Make Up

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