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Positive Book Reviews
No Excuse! I am doing it! | Sunday, March 19, 2006 @10:39 PM

Book 5: No Excuse! I'm doing it!
Author: Jay Rifenbary
Recommended For: Anyone who likes to make excuses for every wrong thing that happen in their life

Book 6!

I have had this book since 5 months back but have only started reading it around 2 months ago. As usual I always have a few books on standby just in case I finished earlier, I can start reading a new book immediately.

This book talks about making excuses...which is great because I hear 1001 excuses from so many people. Haha...I hope to write my own book someday about people making excuses and what we should say back. It will be nasty like me..hahaha. You know, "no time", "no money", "tired", "lazy" are just some excuses. I have people who say they cant do the business because they dont like to talk to people! My answer was, if you dont like to talk to people, who do you usually talk to? Walls? Things? Animals? If you like talking to animals thats fine man since I do talk to my darling cat. But dont u think you will faint if they actually talk back to you?! Hahah..and so far most were simply dumbfounded after I made them feel silly..haha..no offences..I am a nice person. Truly.

Anyway, the author used to be a soldier or something and at the first few chapters, he was trying to link being a soldier and making excuses. You know as soldiers, they are not allowed to make excuses. He was linking a lot of soldier and army thingy to the no excuse part and most of them I didnt really understood. Being a girl and all, you are not really able to understand most of them and it got a little draggy for me.

However the success principles shown were absolutely phenomenal so I am gonna share with you:

1. Self responsibility

Most people always blame others or circumstances for their own failure! As long as you dont stop doing that, you will never learn to take responsibility and as long as you dont take resposibility, you are not gonna be successful.

2. Purpose

You must know your purpose in doing things. If you dont know your purpose and where you are going in life, chances are, you will end up nowhere.

3. Integrity

4. Totally forgive- We must admit that its not easy to forgive others but if you want to be successful we have to learn how to forgive others.

5. Have self esteem

6. Elevate attitude and enthusiasm

Enthusiasm spreads! So just be enthusiastic! We all that these 2 qualities, cannot be faked.

7. Sustain self control

8. Always be honest

9. Always dream and set goals

10. Upgrade your knowledge

11. Understand people

12. Remember to honour family and friends

13. Upraise your determination: You only fail when you quit!

14. Succeed and balance your life.

Of course I am not gonna elaborate on every point, you have to go read the book yourself! Awesome book.

I recommend to all ibos who like to procrasinate and those who always never blame yourself for the decision you make. And I recommend all uplines who have their ibos giving excuses to read this book and then pass to them..hehehe..you know what I mean.

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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