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Positive Book Reviews
Rich Dad Poor Dad | Tuesday, March 21, 2006 @8:11 AM

Book 6: Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Author: Robert Kiyosaki
Recommended For: Anyone who do not want to be old and broke

Rich Dad Poor Dad!

This book was given to as a birthday gift last year. There are signatures all over the 1st page of the book so I really treasure this book. So if you borrow from me, please take care of the book.

This book was one of the books that really open up my mind regarding education and being rich. One of the biggest myth in the world was that when you get good education, get a good degree, you will be set for life. Uh uh..not true. I hope when you finally realize this, you wont be too late. By late, I mean at the age of 65.

Does the school actually prepare children for the real world? I am not putting education down. I was not the best student in school. But somehow, even then I knew I did not have to be the best student to be successful in life. Then again what is your definition of succes?. If your definition of being successful is having a stable job and average pay, then you are right. I am successful. The question is, are you happy? Really happy letting the boss control your actions? What about when your boss' orders contradict your personal principles. Would you call yourself successful then?

Growing up with conservative parents, they always said that I do not have to be rich. They said the love of money is the root of all evil. Correction! The lack of money is the root to all evil. The thing is money comes and goes but if you have the education about how money works, you gain power over it and can begin building wealth. The reason positive thinking alone never works is because most people went to school and never learned how money works so they spend their lives working for money. Most will deny this but let me put it the nicest way possible.

The pattern of the average employee:

Get up, go to work, pay bills, get up, go to work, pay bills. ..Their lives are forever run by 2 emotions, fear and greed. Offer them more money, and they continue the cycle by also increasing their spending. This is what I call Rat Race. A job is really a short term solution to a long term problem. And still most of the people would say, 'I am not interested in money.' Yet they will work 8 hours or more a day. That is denial of truth. If they were not interested in money, why are they working? That kind of thinking is probably more psychotic than a person who hoards money.

My advise is: Go get this book and read it with an open mind if you don’t want to spend the rest of your life chasing money. Robert Kiyosaki says: All of you are given 2 great gifts, your mind and your time. It is up to you to do what you please with both. With each dollar bill that enters your hand, only you have the power to determine your destiny. Spend it foolishly, you choose to be poor. Spend it on liabilities, you join the middle class.

One of the best book I have ever read.

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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