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Positive Book Reviews
Conversations With The Fat Girl | Sunday, December 10, 2006 @1:24 PM

Book 16: Conversations With The Fat Girl
Author: Liza Palmer
Recommended For: All Girls Who Think They Are Beautiful and All Girls Who Think They Are Not

Reviewer: Etsu

How Will I Know

The cover and title of this book attracts me immediately when I set my eyes on it! Lets face it. I am no beauty queen and I can certainly relate to this book! Although the prints are small and it hurts my eyes, the engaging story keeps me addicted to the book.

What I like most about the book is how Liza, the talented author started off each chapter with a glimpse of the past. This story is about Maggie, the fat girl since childhood. Apart from the fantasy of being slim and beautiful, Maggie generally has concerns like any other girl. For example she worry about not finding a partner, job isues, rental, bills, any normal thing that every girl goes through.

Who helped her survive through childhood was her best friend, Olivia, who was also fat back then. However, this story revolves around the fact that Olivia is now slim thanks to liposuction. Olivia changes as a person and this affected how Maggie view Olivia as her best friend.

I also liked the fact the love connection between Maggie and Domenic was not that obvious from the start. In fact, I thought her love for Domenic was the most intense storyline in the book because I was not sure if Domenic was going to love her back since she was fat. Talking about the character Domenic, I think any girl reading about this, will fall in love with him too!

What I truly learned from the book is that physical outlook is not as important as your inner beauty. Beauty is defined differently by different people and too much emphasis on it will eventually lead you to your ugly side.

Liza Palmer did well in making readings empathize with Maggie and at the same time also motivate us to get on that weight loss programme, not to be beautiful, but to be healthy.

After all, we are already beautiful.

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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