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Positive Book Reviews
Who Moved My Cheese? | Friday, June 16, 2006 @4:33 PM

Book 11: Who Moved My Cheese?
Author: Dr Spencer Johnson
Recommended For: People who think they can do without change

Reviewer: Noi

Who Moved My Cheese?!

Ah, this book is simply awesome! I am wondering why I took soooo long to get this book.

Initially I took it was a children's book. It is a thin book, quite big lettering, what should I think?

Anyway this book is about a guy telling the story of Who Moved My Cheese? to his friends. The 4 main characters of the book is Haw & Hem (little people) and Scurry and Sniff (mice). The story revolves around the little people and mice looking for cheese to survive. They got their cheese supply at a regular station and were getting comfortable with it. Things started changing when they could not find their regular supply of cheese at their regular station. While the little people, thinking they are smarter than the mices, overanalyzes, the mice quickly went on to find new cheese.

This story reflects on change. Change is inevitable, growth is optional. Whether we like it or not, the world is constantly changing and is we resist change, we will face difficulties. While reading the book, I cannot help but feel that the 'cheese' in my life is my job. Check out the main points

Who Moved My Cheese?!

So there you go. Excellent book. It is a must buy for everyone think they can do with a little change in their life. This book would be especially good for those already working pretty long and enjoy being in the comfort zone.

A really thin book. This book must be the fastest book I have read. I finished it in 30 minutes.

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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