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Positive Book Reviews
Read And Grow Rich | Wednesday, December 13, 2006 @10:52 PM

Book 17: Read And Grow Rich
Author: Burke Hedges
Recommended For: All who love reading and all who hate reading

Reviewer: Noi

Parable of Pipeline

Actually this book is not in the Britt list but since Burke Hedges is one of my favorite authors, and most of his book ARE on the Britt list, I decided to purchase this book anyway.

Read and Grow Rich first attracted me when I first saw the many quotes on reading at the back of the book. Burke Hedges was a man who was earning $5.50 and hour making boats for a living. His life was transformed when someone gave him a book to read. At first he was reluctant to do so, but when he did, he felt like all his dreams are still possible to achieve and that the first book that he read after so many years was the like the key that unlock is his enclosed mind.

The best thing about reading this book is that it allows you to look back and reflect on the books you have been reading since young and how it all affects the way you think now. Believe it or not, what we read influence our actions and behaviour in a big way than you might think.

Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which is exists, to make his life full, significant, and interesting.- Aldous Huxley

For myself, I chose to teach dyslexic kids because I believe that reading exposes you to another world, a world of information, imagination, creativity, thats why not being able to read, or having difficulties reading is a disaster and I choose to help these individuals unleash their talents in another way apart from reading. It is not easy and it is definitely not the same, but it is a challenge that can be overcome.

Another valuable information that is useful in this book is the revelation on what to read. In this Information Age, we are exposed to so much information that we might find difficulty identifying which are true and which are false.

Above all, I recommend this book to everyone who love reading and hate reading as Burke Hedges has successfully reinforce how the powerful power of reading can bring your to a whole new level of success.

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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