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Positive Book Reviews
Diary Of A Working Girl | Thursday, December 21, 2006 @5:52 PM

Book 19: Diary Of A Working Girl
Author: Daniella Brodsky
Recommended For: All Working Girls In Search of Love

Reviewer: Etsu

How Will I Know

This book was bought on impulse. Ok that has been happening quite a lot recently. Before I know it, my whole bookshelf has no more space and I have to look for a bigger house so that I can probably open up a library.

This book is so hilarious! The authors way and style of describing each situation is sometimes filled with so much sarcasm and metaphors that you cant help but burst out laughing. Please make sure you read this book in private and not at some public place where people think you are nuts.

Basically this book is about Lane Silverman, an inspiring writer (like me!) who was given the task to write and article about her experience finding Mr Right. The only catch is, she has to do it in the period of 2 months! The initial chapter sees Lane being put in a very male dominated working environment unlike before (she was working for a fashion magazine so obviously the only men around were gays). Lanes description and her ability to always make fun of herself will make you feel for her. You will find yourself liking Lane more and more as you read the book.

Another significant part of the book is the checklist of things / qualities Lane had wanted for her Mr Right. Again, this list is hilarious with some points including:
- is british
- witty statements are always at the tip of his tongue
- teaches things that she never knew

Overall, this book is a must read for all ladies, especially those ladies who have a list similar to this. What I learnt from the book is that sometimes we are so caught up with making sure every guy that comes our way makes the checklist, we forget that our Mr Right might be someone totally unexpected.

I really love the writers style of writing and cant help but think she is a fantastic writer. Of course, the end will make you go awwwwwwww and thats the best part of reading this book.

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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