The Ant and The Elephant | Friday, December 29, 2006 @3:59 PM
Book 21: The Ant and The Elephant
Author: Vince Poscente
Recommended For: Everyone who want to maximize the power of their subconscious mind Reviewer: Noi

This is the Book of The Month for December 2006. I got this book late, only halfway across the month but I completed the book in less than 2 weeks. That is how thin and simple the book is.
The book consists of a story of an ant, named Adir and an elephant named Elgo. This story started when there was a storm and Adir was separated from his colony. All of a sudden, Adir did not know his purpose anymore and was feeling lost. Then one day, Adir heard about this place called Oasis, a place of beauty, hope, happiness and fulfillment. Upon hearing that, Adir cannot stop thinking about getting there and finally one day he decided to set out on a journey to get there. Like any other animal story, there is always an animal that is wise whom all the other animals in the jungle seek advice from. In this case, there is Brio, a wise owl who helped Adir in his journey of getting to the Oasis.
The story is like an analogy to help readers understand the whole scenario between mind, the sub-conscious and the conscious. The ant represents the conscious mind and the elephant represents the sub-conscious mind. As a reader, your curiosity will get the better of you as you will find yourself wanting to read the book as fast as possible to find out what happen. The journey of Adir was full of obstacles and challenges that Adir almost gave up a couple of times. However in every challenge, Brio always had something to teach Adir and it was from all the challenges that Adir learned how to control the big elephant.
Even though this book is entertaining, it never fails to teach the obvious but somehow not so obvious to us when we are placed in the same situation. The language used is simple and easy to understand. My favourite lesson was this:
You dont know what dont know. Open your mind to discover possibilities that might not seem obvious at that time.
Our sub-conscious mind is actually way more powerful than our conscious mind so if you can understand this fact and learn to control your sub conscious mind, you will discover that your potential has no limitations.
A must read for those who want to transform performance and adopt leadership for self.