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Positive Book Reviews
Cyber Cinderella | Friday, January 19, 2007 @11:46 AM

Book 22: Cyber Cinderella
Author: Christina Hopkinson
Recommended For: All those who googled their own name

Reviewer: Etsu

How Will I Know

I saw this book online and I thought what an interesting storyline is has! So when I finally saw it in a bookstore, I bought it without much thought because to me, it has a really good and strong storyline.

This story is about Izobel, a girl who discovered a website dedicated to her. She had no idea who did the website and the best part was, the website made her looked like star! The truth was, her life sucked but the website showcased a successful her, who does not exist.

So the book sees her discovering the site, trying to find out who created the website. It then continued with her obsession in finding the creator. In her pursuit to find the mysterious site owner, she ignores her real life and end up failing at her relationship and work.

I do not know whether it is me but I cannot seem to understand the jokes that the author included. I find myself having a hard time understanding scenarios and am often left wondering if the author was writing a fact or simply writing jokes happening in Izobels mind.

I really thought I would like this book a lot considering the fact that I have googled my own name before. I thought I could relate to the character Izobel but the author seemed to me like she is trying a little too hard to amuse her readers. Nevertheless, I still think that it has a strong plot, and it can be a hit maybe if it is turned in a teenage movie even though the main character is not in her teens.

What I liked most about this book is what was located at the end of the book where the author, this time, smartly included 5 reasons why googling your own name is a bad idea. The reasons are:

1. It is like reading someone elses diary.
2. The shame of looking yourself up and finding that you are not on it at all.
3. Your discovery that an ex has put pictures of you up on the web.
4. You find other people with your same name that are much more exciting than you are.
5. Googling leaves a trail of technological slime easily followed.

I shall not go into details but the author proves her point that googling your name is a bad idea. Even so, I still went on to googled my name. I discovered a few things:

1. There is a company that is called by my name.
2. There is famous singer in Indonesia with the same name as me.
3. No one has gossip or said anything bad about me in their blogs.

I am a little disappointed by number (3)! Haha!

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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