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Positive Book Reviews
Developing The Leader Within You | Thursday, January 25, 2007 @12:05 PM

Book 24: Developing The Leader Within You
Author: John C. Maxwell
Recommended For: Past, Present and Future Leaders
Reviewer: Noi

Developing The Leader Within You

This book was sitting on my bookshelves for months and it is only now that I finally get to read it. Before this book, I read another book by the same author and it completely blew me away. So even before I start reading this book, I had high expectations.

I was not denied.

I highly recommend this book for everyone who aspires to become leaders. This book gave the definition, what it really takes to be a leader. It is actually a compilation of what characters must a leader have before being a true leader. Some example that I can show you are as follows:

Definition of leadership: Influence
Key to leadership: Priorities
Most important ingredient id leadership: Integrity
Ultimate test of leadership: Creating a Positive Change
Quickest way to gain leadership: Problem Solving
The extra plus in leadership: Attitude
Developing your most appreciable asset: People
Indispensable quality of leadership: Vision
Price tag of leadership: Self Discipline
Most important lesson of leadership: Staff Development

The first few chapters touched me especially the part about influence. Influence and come both ways. Good and bad. I hope that I never influence anyone negatively, so if I had to you, please forgive me. This chapter states that a leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others.

Another chapter that I love was the chapter on integrity. Before this, I was not sure of what integrity means. A person with integrity in one who has established a system of values against which all of life is judged. People with integrity have nothing to hide and nothing to fear about. Their lives are open book.

I am working on being a better leader not just for myself, but more importantly for the team. This book taught me so much and I wish I had not done some of the mistakes I did in the past. Nevertheless, it is human nature to make mistakes but more importantly, one must learn from that mistakes made so that it will not be repeated again in the future.

Two thumbs up and if I can raise my toes, I would! John C. Maxell never fails to disappoints!

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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