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Positive Book Reviews
Uncommon Freedom | Sunday, March 26, 2006 @7:04 PM

Book 8: Uncommon Freedom
Author: Charles Paul Conn
Recommended For: Anyone who do not believe in the success of Amway Corporation

Uncommon Freedom

I thought after doing the business for 1 year I would pretty much know everything about Amway. But I was so wrong. This book revealed to me the happenings during their significant years.

The early part of the book reveals the definition of true freedom. The freedom to be what wishes to be, to live where one wishes to live, to support the causes one believes in, to explore the full and exciting range of one’s potential. Not many people understand the potential of having all the freedom mentioned above.

As I had mentioned before, it made me so proud to see so many familiar names from the Britt team. Among those are Bill and Peggy Britt, Ron Pereira, Micky Hamlet, Tim Foley, John Crowe, Dave Taylor, Paul Miller, Betty and Rex Renfrow. These are the legends of the business. And they are all from Britt team.

Mostly this books talks about how some of the average people became above average all the way to Diamondship. And some of the stories are pretty heartwarming. It would be good to read this book while you are facing some challenges. The more I read, the more I felt that my challenges were nothing compared to what these diamonds went through. Some of the common challenges that they went faced was not being able to sponsor anybody after showing 100 plans, being called names, not having the support of spouse. However these heros went on with faith and that’s why they are where they are now.

Another interesting fact from this book to me was that there have been occasions where the people who went diamond as a single! Yes! Single ladies! I salute them. My respect and admiration goes to them. The first single woman to went diamond was from Malaysia! She was a school teacher and she was the first in Amway history to go diamond as a single. And she lived 150 miles away from the nearest source of products. And we complain when we need to take a 1 hour train ride!

The other single lady mentioned in this book is Louise Williams who became the first lady, working alone to achieve Diamond Status in the States. She was a petite person. The respect that people have for these single ladies are tremendous. This inspires me to move on making big waves myself as single ladies.

The different stories in this book no doubt are real diamond stories. They have made it despite so many challenges. As one read this book, one will discover that diamondship does not come easy. It comes with a lot of hard work, persistence and an intense desire to succeed. These guys have all done it. They have inspired so many people. So when is the time when you make a decision to do the same? Who knows your diamond story in times to come might inspire some other business owners going through the same thing? Which is better to say?

It got to difficult so I quit.
It was not easy but you and I know its so worth it. Challenges are there to shape you, to make you into a stronger person.

That is what diamondship is all about. Do not forget, that a diamond is coal made under extreme pressure. So the next time you are under extreme pressure, just remember, you are being shaped into a Diamond.

What To Say When You Talk To Yourself | Friday, March 24, 2006 @6:48 PM

Book 7: What To Say When You Talk To Yourself
Author: Shad Helmstetter
Recommended For: Anyone who wants to be in a positive state of mind all the time

What To Say

This must one of the best book I have ever read in my whole life! I have read numerous number of motivational and informational books within these past 1 year and this books tops the list!

I got to know about this book when I heard it being recommend by one of the diamonds in one of the tape. I found this book by surprise at Sans Bookshop. There was only 1 copy. At that time we had to go buy books from outside. I was actually looking for Prosumer Power when I found this book. Of course I immediately bought it.

Dr Shad talks about how what we talk can effect the life we have now. You see, when we speak something, our brain immediately process it and made it come true. The brain does not recognize positive from negative so it mainly process it. The brain believes what you tell it most. So when you say, “I’m so stupid, I’m so clumsy” The brain actually takes these words and process it to make it true..so even when you are not clumsy, you keep saying you are clumsy, you will be clumsy one day.

Your brain is like your personal computer. If it is programmed negatively, you will end up negative. However when programmed positively, you will be positive. Its that simple. That’s why one of the 3 powers say: Power of spoken word. Every word that comes out from your mouth is like a prayer. Say it often enough it will become true. You might as well make it a positive one.

Often you see people complaining about everything in their lives, their job, their boss, their spouse..it probably wasn’t that way until they keep talking about it! Therefore, of whatever you are going to say is not going to benefit you or the person next to you, do not say it. Just smile.

I can talk forever about this phenomenal book so you gotta get this book right away. Some of the self talk sentences are so good that I typed it nicely and put it in my planner. In this case if I think things are not going so good, I just open it and read it aloud.

Some examples of things you can say to yourself:

I allow no one else, at any time, to assume control or responsibility over my life or over anything that I do. My responsibility to others is an extension of my own responsibility to myself.

I have learned to recognize that many problems carry with them benefits and potential opportunities which would not have presented themselves had the problem not occurred in the first place.

A must have for everyone.

Rich Dad Poor Dad | Tuesday, March 21, 2006 @8:11 AM

Book 6: Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Author: Robert Kiyosaki
Recommended For: Anyone who do not want to be old and broke

Rich Dad Poor Dad!

This book was given to as a birthday gift last year. There are signatures all over the 1st page of the book so I really treasure this book. So if you borrow from me, please take care of the book.

This book was one of the books that really open up my mind regarding education and being rich. One of the biggest myth in the world was that when you get good education, get a good degree, you will be set for life. Uh uh..not true. I hope when you finally realize this, you wont be too late. By late, I mean at the age of 65.

Does the school actually prepare children for the real world? I am not putting education down. I was not the best student in school. But somehow, even then I knew I did not have to be the best student to be successful in life. Then again what is your definition of succes?. If your definition of being successful is having a stable job and average pay, then you are right. I am successful. The question is, are you happy? Really happy letting the boss control your actions? What about when your boss' orders contradict your personal principles. Would you call yourself successful then?

Growing up with conservative parents, they always said that I do not have to be rich. They said the love of money is the root of all evil. Correction! The lack of money is the root to all evil. The thing is money comes and goes but if you have the education about how money works, you gain power over it and can begin building wealth. The reason positive thinking alone never works is because most people went to school and never learned how money works so they spend their lives working for money. Most will deny this but let me put it the nicest way possible.

The pattern of the average employee:

Get up, go to work, pay bills, get up, go to work, pay bills. ..Their lives are forever run by 2 emotions, fear and greed. Offer them more money, and they continue the cycle by also increasing their spending. This is what I call Rat Race. A job is really a short term solution to a long term problem. And still most of the people would say, 'I am not interested in money.' Yet they will work 8 hours or more a day. That is denial of truth. If they were not interested in money, why are they working? That kind of thinking is probably more psychotic than a person who hoards money.

My advise is: Go get this book and read it with an open mind if you don’t want to spend the rest of your life chasing money. Robert Kiyosaki says: All of you are given 2 great gifts, your mind and your time. It is up to you to do what you please with both. With each dollar bill that enters your hand, only you have the power to determine your destiny. Spend it foolishly, you choose to be poor. Spend it on liabilities, you join the middle class.

One of the best book I have ever read.

No Excuse! I am doing it! | Sunday, March 19, 2006 @10:39 PM

Book 5: No Excuse! I'm doing it!
Author: Jay Rifenbary
Recommended For: Anyone who likes to make excuses for every wrong thing that happen in their life

Book 6!

I have had this book since 5 months back but have only started reading it around 2 months ago. As usual I always have a few books on standby just in case I finished earlier, I can start reading a new book immediately.

This book talks about making excuses...which is great because I hear 1001 excuses from so many people. Haha...I hope to write my own book someday about people making excuses and what we should say back. It will be nasty like me..hahaha. You know, "no time", "no money", "tired", "lazy" are just some excuses. I have people who say they cant do the business because they dont like to talk to people! My answer was, if you dont like to talk to people, who do you usually talk to? Walls? Things? Animals? If you like talking to animals thats fine man since I do talk to my darling cat. But dont u think you will faint if they actually talk back to you?! Hahah..and so far most were simply dumbfounded after I made them feel silly..haha..no offences..I am a nice person. Truly.

Anyway, the author used to be a soldier or something and at the first few chapters, he was trying to link being a soldier and making excuses. You know as soldiers, they are not allowed to make excuses. He was linking a lot of soldier and army thingy to the no excuse part and most of them I didnt really understood. Being a girl and all, you are not really able to understand most of them and it got a little draggy for me.

However the success principles shown were absolutely phenomenal so I am gonna share with you:

1. Self responsibility

Most people always blame others or circumstances for their own failure! As long as you dont stop doing that, you will never learn to take responsibility and as long as you dont take resposibility, you are not gonna be successful.

2. Purpose

You must know your purpose in doing things. If you dont know your purpose and where you are going in life, chances are, you will end up nowhere.

3. Integrity

4. Totally forgive- We must admit that its not easy to forgive others but if you want to be successful we have to learn how to forgive others.

5. Have self esteem

6. Elevate attitude and enthusiasm

Enthusiasm spreads! So just be enthusiastic! We all that these 2 qualities, cannot be faked.

7. Sustain self control

8. Always be honest

9. Always dream and set goals

10. Upgrade your knowledge

11. Understand people

12. Remember to honour family and friends

13. Upraise your determination: You only fail when you quit!

14. Succeed and balance your life.

Of course I am not gonna elaborate on every point, you have to go read the book yourself! Awesome book.

I recommend to all ibos who like to procrasinate and those who always never blame yourself for the decision you make. And I recommend all uplines who have their ibos giving excuses to read this book and then pass to them..hehehe..you know what I mean.

The Greatest Opportunity in The History of The World | Saturday, March 04, 2006 @12:25 AM

Book 4: The Greatest Opportunity in The World
Author: John Kalench
Recommended For: Anyone who thinks they know so much about marketing but actually dont

Book 5!

I got this book from my wonderful upline Sriganth and Raje. Excellent book. This book talks about the real deal about network marketing and the myths behind it. A lot of people have the impression that network marketing is a pyramid..its selling blah blah blah..and the list goes on. This book explains clearly the points what network marketing is all about.

The author also mentions what network marketing can give apart from time and money. He mentions that most successful leaders in network marketing have develop successful habits and and great attitudes. What network marketing can give you is a positive mental attitude through the education system that was already provided. All we have to do is follow it!

Also the author mentions how to differentiate a good network marketing company..and guess what since we ARE the industry leaders, we ARE in this book! The first network marketing company in history was California Vitamins which later became Nutrilite. How cool is that..and of course he also mentions about Rich Devos and Jay Vandel who had previously worked in Nutrilite started their own company now known as Amway.

Amway is already a multi billion dollar company..there is nothing to be tested anymore. We are the ones who are being tested now. Are you going to be one of those whose name adds on to the list of successful people doing the business. Or are you going to be the one who see and watch what happen first?

This book is great for people who think they know everything about network marketing except making money out of it.

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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