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Positive Book Reviews
A Total Waste of Make Up | Thursday, July 27, 2006 @10:37 PM

Book 15: A Total Waste of Make Up
Author: Kim Gruenenfelder
Recommended For: All ladies in their 20s!

Reviewer: Etsu

Total Waste of Make Up

What can I say? I just love this book! This book is one of the most hilarious, witty fiction book I have ever read! I simply love it!

This book is about Charlie, who just turned 30, single and working as a personal assistant to the sexiest movie star. The book starts off by Charlie starting a book of advice for her great great granddaughter. For example her first advice is:

Never wait by the phone. Ever.

The first chapter got me hooked and I find it difficult to put the book down. Her advices are so funny at times that I must admit laughing out loud several times. The story is written in such a way that its never boring, and every scene leads to a significant part of the whole story.

Basically this books showcases Charlie dealing with turning 30 and still being single. Like most ladies, she worries about her future, dreams of a Cinderella wedding and hates it when everyone ask her when she is getting married.

I especially like that the story is not predictable. She did not get together with her movie star boss! Sorry for the spoiler! Her advices are really funny and times and there are some which really make sense like these:

- There is no such thing as a perfect man.

- Lie to your parents. They so rarely wants the truth anyway.

- Breaking up is hard to do. Do it anyway.

- Never expect anyone to take care of you financially.

This book actually inspired me to write my own book of advice to my great great grand-daughter. I mean, if I know what I know now when I was 18, I would probably turn out different today.

Overall I think every woman should read this book. It offers the perfect set of advices that you need to help you get through the 20s period. In the end this book teaches me that no matter how screw up your life is, the ending is always mysterious but sweet.

Congratulations to the author. Excellent writting.

10 Rules To Break, 10 Rules To Make | Tuesday, July 25, 2006 @10:46 PM

Book 14: 10 Rules To Make, 10 Rules To Break
Author: Dr Bill Quain
Recommended For: People Who Still Believe in Myth and Legends About Life

Reviewer: Noi

10 Rules To Make and Break

This such an interesting book! I love it! I know the cover is not that attractive but who cares? It is the inside that matters.

I am just a Burke Hedges fan. His books are so simple to understand and somehow when facts are simple, you remember it better!

This books talks bout living life using the wrong set of rules. These rules have been passed down from generation to generation that no one really question it anymore. The problem is, we are in the new millenium! What work then might not necessarily work now.

Some of the wrong set of rules are:
1. Dont waste your time with dreams
2. The best things in life are free
3. You are too young to retire
4. Dont rock the boat
5. Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door
6. You cant be in 2 place at the same time
7. Hard work is its own reward
8. Offer constructive criticism
9. Accept only valid excuses
10. Dont mix business with pleasure

These set of rules is way outdated to me! Even so, I cant believe there are people still listening to those same set form of rules from donkey years ago. These rules need to be break! Nuff said.
Burke emplasizes of the importance of living your life, not mere existing. He therefore recommends the next 10 rules to make.

1. Go out and claim what is already yours
2. Get the whole story
3. Become Unequal
4. Its better to own half a watermelon than a whole grape
5. Make some bad decisions
6. Develop X Ray vision
7. You are who your friends are
8. Bills rule: Show people whats in it for them
9. Go a little crazy
10. Enjoy the journey.

Obviously only someone who has make their rules as part of designing their life is going to be more accomplished than those dont. What do these rules actually mean? Let me tell you..................................................

You have to go read it yourself!! Worth every cent and dollar. You might also find yourself chuckling away when you realise that you have been living with the wrong set of rules.

Excellent read.

Dream Making In A Dream Taking World | Sunday, July 16, 2006 @6:17 PM

Book 13: Dream Making in A Dream Taking World
Author: Dr Steve Price
Recommended For: Anyone who forget to dream when they grow up

Reviewer: Noi

Dream Making!

This is the Book of the Month for April in Singapore. Interesting, I saw this book in Success bookstore but I then decided not to buy it. If not I would have end up having 2 copies. This is a very simple book, you can finish it in 1 week just like I do.

Dr Steve Price was a school teacher teaching teenagers. Like most teachers who started, we all started with passion, to make a difference in someones life. But what happen was after a while that same passion went away and its just not enjoyable anymore. I could so relate to that. Thank you.

The different thing about this book is that its revealed the 10 strategies in making dreams come true. We call this people Dream Makers. Almost everybody knows that believing dreams come true is important but most people don’t know what are the actions to making it come true.

10 strategies revealed (briefly):
1.Positive expectations
2.Drop a strategy if it is not working
3.Make sure you are on the right track
4.Stick to the track, remain focus
5.Do not find excuses for yourself
6.Feed your brain with positive thoughts not negative thoughts
7.Go all out, discipline yourself
8.Do not walk when you can fly
9.Recognize the worthy investment in time and money
10.Improve on yourself

What struck me the most was No.8. I just realized that I have been walking all this time. Its time to fly, the view is spectacular!

Noi Etsu Fid NurBee

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